Pennant R4i Binder XPS
Pennant International Group Ltd Contact: |
R4i Binder XPS (eXtensible Print System) takes all the features of R4i Binder Workstation and allows it to run stand-alone on a computer without requiring the R4i CSDB Server system.
R4i Binder XPS can easily transform any SGML or XML content, including ASD S1000D Data Modules and Publications Modules, and DITA XML included DITA book.ditamaps stored on a network drive into a hyperlinked PDF. R4i Binder XPS automatically generates Front Matter, Back Matter, List of Effective Pages and Table of Contents.
If you are using a 3rd party CMS or S1000D CSDB without a print engine, or you are currently using an expensive or slow print system that is not meeting your print publishing expectations, R4i Binder XPS can easily process your Publications Module, Data Modules, DITA XML, DITA book.ditamaps or other SGML or XML content, producing high quality manuals.
If you have content that is regularly updated and distributed, R4i Binder XPS includes the same powerful automatic change packaging capability included with R4i Binder Workstation and R4i Desktop. This optional module will generate a change package that contains only information that has changed between releases.
Features and Benefits:
• Available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7;
• Installed and ready for use in less than 1 minute;
• Powerful drag and drop functionality to build your customized manuals, handbooks, operating procedures and maintenance procedures;
• Book history of all PDFs and change packages produced (if change packaging module licensed);
• Pre-built and saved book layouts for fast, consistent publication creation;
• No scripts, programming or development knowledge needed to publish content;
• No requirement for a specific XML/SGML authoring package to be used with R4i Binder XPS;
• Data can be SGML or XML to any DTD or Schema specification;
- Configuration Management
- Content Authoring/Management
- Software
- S1000D
- ATA Spec 2000
- ATA Spec 2200
- ATA Spec 2300
- ATA Spec 42